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"Money, money, money must be funny, in a rich man's world"
                                                                                 Abba, 1986


“Money, money, money must be funny, in a rich man’s world,” – so sang Abba in 1986.


While most of us will never have unlimited amounts of the stuff to enjoy private yachts and corporate jets, getting your money sorted and maximising every single cent you make is imperative to enjoying life over fifty.


Boring topic, hard to do and budgeting is a pain but so is wanting to live a great lifestyle and realising you don’t have the funds to do it.


Unfortunately, it is a sad fact that women over fifty are financially in a much worse position than men; they just don’t have as much superannuation as their male counterparts and the inequity in salaries is still an issue 50 years after it was first raised.


There is a plethora of books, online articles, podcasts – you name it, the information you need is out there to help you tidy up your finances.


It also helps to have financial goals – what do you want to do, how much does it cost, when do you want to do it and how are you going to save to make sure it becomes a reality.


In the words of Dave Ramsay – “You must gain control over your money or the lack of it will forever control you.”

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Corporate Communications and Media Relations Consultant

Passionate Over Fifty Still Fabulous activist!


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